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New Media Writing Portfolio


The infographics above and to the left were created as promotional material for TCU's Women and Gender Studies program using Piktochart.
I helped create the promotional video to the right for the Women and Gender Studies Program.
The goal of the video was to encourage
undergraduates to pursue a women's studies Minor or Emphasis at TCU.
The video will be shown in classes
across the curriculum in an effort to boost participation in the program campus wide.
Below are three examples of New Media Scholarship I used to correspond with my presentations at conferences or at TCU.
"'Love' Letters: Sister's Soldiers, and Southern Social Networking" Southern Studies Presentation:
Prezi for Southern Studies conference Fall 2014
Invited Talk for TCU Women and Gender Studies
Graduate Research Award Presentation
"Rhetorical Listening as a Cross Disciplinary
Approach to Feminist Research"
The program Mind Map was utilized within the Powerpoint to
help chart the flow of letters. See slide 13.
Chris Foree and I hosted two sessions of Cool Tools, a program designed by teachers for teachers who are interested in incorporating new media into their lesson plans. Our sessions focused on the use of blogging in the classroom. Below you will find a copy of our handout. My student blogs, as well as my own posts, can be found throughout the teaching sections on this website.
As a result of our sessions, we were contacted
by the TCU Koehler Center for Learning to be
guestbloggers for their website on the subject
of blogs as writing assignments.
Below you will find links to our posts.
"Why We Blog in the Classroom"
"Top Ten Reasons Why You Should Blog in Your Classroom"
"What To Consider When Grading Blogs in Your Classroom"
"High Stakes vs. Low Stakes Writing"
I created the videos below to show in the classroom and to facilitate discussion about upcoming projects. The first one is designed to get students thinking critically about studio logos as pieces of argument, and the second is series of interviews conducted with the staff at TCU to form a myriad of examples of the definition of a "wise woman." After showing these to my classes, I asked students to make their own new media using this forum. You can see an example student logo and a wise woman video on the New Media Gallery Page. The third video is a Camtasia recording of a project which used Powerpoint Animate to create an example movie studio logo entitled Creepy Treehouse Productions. The example was used in conjunction with the lesson plan discussed above.

The infographic to the left was generated using Piktochart and used during the 2015 Society for the Study of American Women Writers conference in Philadelphia. This infographic charts my process of determining the best way to visually represent that the Love women are at the center of discourse throughout the Love Family Letters. As such, it utilizes several different new media platforms, including TextexTure, MindMap, pie charts, and graphs.

The Poster above was created using Canva for Women and Gender Studies promotional materials.
Pedagogical Hours
Pedagogical Development Hours:
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